A collection is a set of websites. A traditional bookmark tree could be complex with multiple levels, but the concept and structure of a collection are simple. There are 3 types of collection:
• Home collection: websites in this collection will show on the browser's starting page.
• System collection: websites in Read It Later will be stored as offline copies on the device and all screenshots made in the browser will be stored in Webshots.
• Personal collection: this type of collection is created by the user. Users can manage websites according to their preference, thus the meaning of a personal collection can be very broad, from social purpose to any specific need.
Build a collection
First, at any time you feel like the page should belong somewhere, you may add this page into an existing collection or create a new collection for the page.
Secondly, while you exhaustedly open a series of web pages for one specific purpose, you may simply collect them together and postpone your task until you get some rest and feel excited again to pick up the task and reopen all the web pages at once!
Important articles? Let's put them into the reading list
When you are in an environment that does not allow you to read the full text of an important article, you may put it into the reading list. Blog posts, news feeds, papers, anything that is important to you could wait for your next visit. Furthermore, websites in the reading list would be stored on a device, so reading those websites won't need an Internet connection. In most cases, KaiOS users won't stay online frequently for preventing background traffic, so the offline copy is a big help to them.
A gentle reminder from the reading list
We sometimes forget those important articles and make them wait for a long long time. Hence, activate this reminder on the launcher if you want those articles to speak for themselves and be in your notice.
Screenshot + Website URL
= Webshot
When you screenshot a web page, you store not only the image but also the web address. The other people who are also KaiOS users can access the original website from the image they received. The big difference is that you share the whole context along with the image. Likely, people could easily build up their conversation about the image by knowing more details.